Reuniting With Your Lost Property

Way too often property is turned into a law enforcement agency, but cannot be returned as a result of poor documentation on the part of the owner.   Unless you can provide proof of ownership, your valuables may end up auctioned or worse, in a landfill.  

To assist law enforcement with reuniting you with your property & heirlooms:

  • Document serial numbers and keep a copy somewhere other than an electronic device that can be lost or stolen
  • Apply unique identifying markings to objects
  • Photograph valuables
  • Maintain purchase receipts
  • Report your stolen property & obtain a police case report number
  • Consider registering with

Foundrop is where Lost Items are Found

“When things go missing, help us help you.”

To see items currently stored by the Property & Evidence Section without owner information turned in as found property, click here.  Learn more about by visiting